Thursday, March 25, 2010

Exciting Local Poker Tournaments

I'm very excited this week as there are some really fun Texas Hold'em Tournaments happening in the Folsom, California area.  Tonight Folsom Lake Bowl Casino is hosting a "Battle of the Sexes" Tournament.  There are 20 men and 20 women competing for both the team and individual awards.

It should be lots of fun - I'm really looking forward to it.  Several of the ladies that play in our poker league will also be there.  Should be a good match.

On Saturday I'm playing in a Freeroll Tournament at the Phoenix Casino.  It's a great tournament that they host monthly and add lots of extra cash in.  The players are about 100 and the top 40 cash.  It's more of an appreciation tournament for their customers.

The web site sales have been picking up and today one of my new customers complemented me on my excellent prices on my poker tables.  Even with shipping added, he said he's done his homework and my prices are the best he's found. 

I have a bunch of great recipes to share with all of you.  On Monday evening, March 22nd, I attended a Trade Show that was coordinated by Meeting Professionals International (MPI), Sacramento Sierra Chapter.  The theme was "cooking up a meeting" and all of the wonderful suppliers brought their favorite recipes to hand out.  So now I have plenty of ammo to share with you in the weeks to come.

I'm still looking for your favorite recipes that are easy to eat and easy to prepare, preferably low in calorie.  Share your story or just share your recipe by adding a comment below or email to me at and I'll add them for you!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Freshen Up Your Poker League Party

Here's a refreshing, simple, yummy and healthy recipe for Butterscotch Apple Salad shared with us by another friend, Poker Pirate and our League's best dealer, Jamie.  She's even promised to make this a staple when it's her turn to bring the snacks.

Butterscotch Apple Salad

3 medium apples, diced
1 can crushed pineapple, drained
1 tub of fat free cool whip
1 small butterscotch sugar free pudding mix, unprepared
1 cup mini marshmallows
Combine all ingredients in medium bowl. Chill and serve.

Thanks, Jamie!  And speaking of great recipes and cookbooks, my friend, Kathy, whose recipes I've shared with you all on this blog, was visiting us from Hawaii this week and I was able to spend some time with her.  She has put together a wonderful recipe book that's full of stories, family and friend photos, and great recipes.  She plans to make me a copy as well so we should have some fabulous, passed-down recipes to share when I get it.  I'm certainly blessed to have such wonderful and talented friends.

If you have favorite recipes that you'd like to share, please post them below or email me at and I'll post them for you.  If you have any stories about the recipes or pictures, please include them as well.  And I always have to ask you to sign up to follow my blog so you can keep track of what we're doing and what we're eating...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Poker Recipes for Poker Parties

Thanks again to one of my fellow Poker Pirates and friend, Dottie, who by the way is in first place in our League. She is providing the recipe this week and what a wonderful recipe it is! She always brings deviled eggs to our League night and I can tell you firsthand how great they are. I’m usually good for at least 3 – 4 myself.

Her recipe is below.

Deviled Eggs

12 eggs
1/2 to 3/4 c mayonnaise
1 tsp mustard
salt to taste

Place eggs in enough water to cover them. Cook over medium-high heat until the water comes to a hard boil. Remove from heat, and cover for 20 minutes. Pour out hot water and let the eggs sit in cold water until they are warm enough to peel. Cut eggs in half and put yolks in small mixing bow. Set whites aside. Add 1/2 c mayonnaise,1 tsp. mustard, and salt to the egg yolks and mix. You can add more mayo to your desired consistency.

Fill the egg whites with yolk mixture. Hint - cut the corner of a small baggie (no more than 1/4 inch), fill the baggie with the yolk mixture, and squeeze into the egg white. Chill. Sprinkle with paprika before serving.

If you have recipes that are easy to prepare and easy to eat that would be great ideas for Poker League Play or Poker Parties, please post your comments below or email them to me at and I’ll post them for you. Remember to add a story or pictures if you’d like and I’ll share them as well. And please become a follower so you can get this information as it gets posted.